Hibernia Women brings women, ages 18 and up, together to grow in the Lord, strengthen each other, and create community—

because “we” is better than “I” could ever be.

We are able to offer Discipleship Circles, Bible Studies, MOM Group, and service and outreach opportunities through Women and Churchwide Events.

Our activities are directed by a multi-generational leadership team to represent all perspectives within our church body. Plus, we’re always looking for women to serve alongside us—all you need is a heart for Christ and a passion for other women!

Laina Bell

Women’s Ministry Leader

904-529-8944, ext 109

Discipleship Circles

Are you rooted in God’s Word to stand fast when the storms of life come? If you desire to deepen your faith, strengthen your Christian walk, and grow in your Biblical knowledge, then consider joining a Discipleship Circle! These small groups of 3-4 women meet twice a month, sharpening each other to live Godly lives.

person in maroon long sleeve shirt holding white printer paper

M.O.M. Group

This is a Titus 2 Ministry to Moms of children from birth through high school giving fellowship opportunities with other moms and encouragement from mentors.

9:30-11:30am in Room 225/226

9/06, 9/20, 10/04, 10/18, 11/01, 11/15

$20 registration fee Childcare available: Infants to 4-year-olds

Questions? Contact Gail Moore @ 904-497-2613 or gbm0603@aol.com

Save the Date for our

Spring 2025 Two-Day Conference featuring

Raising Dreamers Ministries!

Friday, March 7

Saturday, March 8