“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as His heritage.” (Psalm 33:12)

Our country needs Jesus! Many parts of our nation have few evangelical churches in contrast to their population. We partner with church planters by praying for them, giving towards their needs, and going alongside of them.

For more information, contact Paul Sweat at pauls@hiberniabaptist.com

Church planting partners

Grace Church
Miami, Florida

Our mission is to joyfully display the glory of God by declaring the grace of God found in Jesus Christ and seeking to make, mature, and mobilize disciples of Christ.

Eric Bancroft

North Dakota

Ian is a church planter and pastor in North Dakota. He serves as pastor at Belfield Baptist Church and “The Church at Dickinson”, which is his new church plant.

Pastor Ian Harp

Mission City Church
St. Johns County, Florida

Our vision is for all people in St. Johns County and the surrounding area to know and love Jesus, find their purpose in His mission, and do good works for God’s glory.

Phillip Scarnecchia

Iglesia Esencial/
Essential Church
St. Augustine, Florida

Pastor Frank Falto is the pastor at Hibernia Espanol and has planted Esencial in St Johns County, where pastor Daniel Ruiz is pastor.

Frank Falto

Daniel Ruiz

Organizations and Missions

Community Impact Ministries

Community Impact Ministries exists to reach, teach, and serve Jacksonville and surrounding communities with the Truth, Love, and Compassion of Jesus Christ.
Contact Wayne and Jodi Brown at wayne@communityimpactministries.org

David Burton Ministries

David Burton Ministries seeks to enhance and encourage local churches, pastors, associations and state conventions in Intentional New Testament Evangelism.
Contact David and Kathy Burton at dbsoulwinner@gmail.com

Northeastern Baptist College

Vermont-based Northeastern Baptist College’s mission is to make an impact on New England, the United States, and the world by training students through an accredited college education with a biblical foundation.
Visit NEBC at nebcvt.org

CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)

“Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others.”
Contact Ken and Jana Vensel at kvensel@bellsouth.net